8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager
8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager

The National Audubon Society (NAS) requires all Audubon chapters to have a Conservation Committee (CC). The Mesilla Valley Audubon Society (MVAS) by-laws require the CC to be informed of local, state, and national governmental policies and actions affecting the natural environments and conservation of natural resources. The CC is also required to draft and recommend the MVAS Conservation Policy (this document) to the Board for approval, to carry out the policy, and to coordinate actions with NAS.
MVAS conservation initiatives and projects will be consistent with NAS policy and initiatives. The current NAS conservation program is described at https://www.audubon.org/conservation, and includes five key strategies focused on Coasts, Water, Climate, Working Lands, and Bird-friendly Communities. All of these strategies, with the exception of Coasts, are relevant to the area that MVAS serves in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico.
From the NAS web site:
WATER: Audubon’s Water initiative will focus on landscapes where both water quantity and water quality are paramount to birds’ survival. Affecting public water policies is one key aspect of our work, but policy alone won’t be enough to address these challenging issues.
CLIMATE: Climate change poses an unprecedented threat not just to birds but to biodiversity and our shared quality of life. Audubon is responding to this challenge with an equally unprecedented combination of strategies, from advancing transformational policies that reduce carbon emissions and support well-sited green energy to leading adaptive land management practices that will mitigate the impact of sea level rise and climate change.
WORKING LANDS: Best management practices on ranches, farms, and forests hold the key to survival for more than 150 species of threatened grassland and forest birds. By partnering with landowners, Audubon can help ensure a bright future for birds like the Cerulean Warbler and the Tricolored Blackbird, and a healthy landscape for future generations.
BIRD-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES: Most Americans live in cities or suburbs, and people can play a critical role in fostering healthy wildlife populations and communities. Rural regions have an outsized opportunity to contribute. As the leading voice for birds, Audubon can inspire the one in five adults who watch birds to make daily lifestyle choices that add up to real conservation impact.
Annual review: This policy will be reviewed and updated annually by the CC and presented to the board for approval.
Responsibilities: Within MVAS, the CC is responsible for all conservation initiatives and projects. If an MVAS member or board member wishes to initiate a conservation project, they shall first present it to the CC. The CC will then evaluate the project proposal for costs, timeline, time commitments, key personnel, etc., and present to the board with a recommendation for approval or denial.
Accomplishments: The CC will present an annual list of accomplishments to the Board (Appendix A).
Appendix A. 2023 Conservation Projects and Initiatives
Backyard Bird and Pollinator Habitat Booklet: This project is consistent with the Bird-friendly Communities strategy of NAS. A backyard habitat booklet is being developed that focuses on the use of native plants to support birds and pollinators in southern New Mexico backyards. This specific information is not available in any other publication, and our goal is to expand the network of suitable habitat for birds and pollinators in the region. The anticipated completion date is May 1st 2023.
Lights Out Las Cruces: This project is consistent with the Bird-friendly Communities strategy of NAS. This initiative sprung from a dark sky proclamation written by MVAS and endorsed by the City of Las Cruces and Doña Ana County. The project will encourage area residents and businesses to carry out lighting practices that control light and limit sky glow via the use of fully-shielded (cut off) lighting, and/or turning lights out during spring and fall bird migration. A lighting survey is planned, which will be presented to the City Council in an effort to educate the city government and facilitate codes enforcement. Educational materials on the impacts of uncontrolled lighting on people and birds will be developed and distributed, and MVAS appreciation certificates given to businesses that carry out lighting practices that are consistent with Lights Out Las Cruces. (see 2023 Lights Outs Las Cruces Work Page in this section)
Local Area Water Policies: This project is consistent with the Water strategy of NAS. We have worked with the US International Boundary and Water Commission (USIBWC) to keep abreast of water conditions in our section of the Rio Grande. This has included being a member of the Citizen's Forum for the USIBWC, Upper Rio Grande Sector, and conducting a year's long bird survey when they were considering a riparian restoration of the Rio Grande sector adjacent to the Las Cruces water treatment facility. We use our newsletter, Roadrunner Ramblings, to inform our community about current events regarding water scarcity in New Mexico and West Texas.
Tracking and Action on Conservation Legislation: This project is consistent with the overall NAS conservation strategy and Action Network. The CC follows state and federal legislation that could affect birds, and sends out timely emails to the MVAS membership when action is prudent. For example, action notifications for the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act were emailed to the MVAS membership twice in 2022 and posted on the chapter Facebook page.
Appendix A. 2024 Conservation Projects and Initiatives
MVAS Conservation Committee 2024 Annual Report
There was no in-person meeting of the Conservation Committee this year because there were no members other than the acting chairman. Conservation issues were discussed at all MVAS board meetings and in the MVAS newsletter, Roadrunner Ramblings. What follows is a review of topics from those two sources.
Water: Local Area Water Policies: The status of the Rio Grande bears directly on the health of our bird community and is accordingly very important to MVAS. In a series of local public meetings, the State of New Mexico elaborated on the distressing facts that in addition to our losing significant water resources (both surface water and groundwater) during the past century, we will probably fall another 25% below current water levels in another 50 years due to climate change, continued arid conditions, and our continued consumption. These issues were addressed in Roadrunner Ramblings articles to keep our membership informed. Final reports will be forthcoming in 2025 and with them MVAS may be able to help with any conservation-minded responses.
Working Lands: The Organ Peaks-Desert Mountains National Monument is a major focus for
conservation in Doña Ana County. This spring the Bureau of Land Management submitted a Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement for public input. MVAS was very interested in this and the MVAS board of directors submitted a list of several recommendations, as did individual MVAS members. The BLM response to public input was a revised document which enhanced many of the broad conservation measures the park management plans to implement in the next ten years, many of which are very encouraging to conservation-minded people. Of note is that an entire page responding to the public’s letters was devoted to the issue of firearms in the park,
which remains a very controversial subject. The final BLM report is still pending.
Bird Friendly Communities: Dark Skies: For several years MVAS has had an active interest in Dark Skies and the impact of light pollution on bird migration. In January, Trish Cutler, previous MVAS Conservation Committee chairman, contacted us with the suggestion that our efforts be moved to the initiative led by NM astronomers, who have a statewide project in place.
In November, Gill Sorg presented information regarding his work as co-chairman of a BLM committee on conservation issues related to land controlled by the BLM. Of special note was an extensive discussion there about preservation of dark skies at Chaco Canyon and Carlsbad Caverns, where light pollution is worsening for multiple reasons. The BLM has issued a brochure with guidelines to effect change. The MVAS board endorsed this action and complimented Gill on his efforts.
Local dark sky efforts by the Las Cruces City Council and by MVAS (e.g. building surveys) were on hold this year.
Bird Friendly communities: MVAS Nature Journaling Club: MVAS launched a nature journaling club In March, and regular outings have been scheduled throughout the year. Nature journaling provides a way for birders, and all those interested in nature in general, to focus on what they see during their scouting of the environment and record via sketching or notations what piques their curiosity. Group journaling allows teaching of the newcomer as well as thoughtful discussions between the experienced. It has been a popular means for attracting regular members and newcomers to MVAS activities and is sure to continue in years to come.
Tracking Action on Statewide Legislation: 2024 featured a “short session” for the New Mexico Legislature and much attention was devoted to the devastating impact of wildfires and drought in New Mexico. Other conservation-related legislation was minimal. The major achievement was the inclusion of funding for New Mexico natural resources agencies in the General Appropriations Act of 2024. This included critical staff positions at the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department and more. The changes will begin to take effect in 2025 with a significant increase in government’s ability to protect our natural environment.
Another legislative measure that passed, but subsequently suffered a table veto by the governor, was an effort to modernize the Department of Game and Fish. Legislators hope to broaden the department’s mission by promoting an increase in the department’s budget and changing its operating procedures by developing a less political method for selecting board members. This may have a significant impact on how the state deals with bird, wildlife and hunting issues. It will be discussed again in the 2025 legislative session. Roadrunner Ramblings featured an article on this
topic in its 2024 winter edition.
Sidney Webb
MVAS Conservation Committee, acting chairman