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About Us


Officers & Board 2024

​President: Cheryl Fallstead   

Vice-president: Vacant

Secretary: Julia Osgood

Treasurer:  Diane Moore


Directors (8 elected, with three year terms)  

Director 2022-2024: Sid Webb  

Director 2022-2024: Gill Sorg

Director:2023-2025: Coleman Goin

Director 2023-2025: Annie Mitchell

Director 2023-2025: Marcia Wilson

Director 2023-2025: Linda Miller

Director 2024-2026: Dylan Osterhaus 

Director 2024-2026: Whitney Watson


Committee chairs 2024:


Education: Vacant

Programs: Vacant (currently filled by president)

Newsletter: Marcia Wilson 

Website:  Linda Miller

Membership: Annie Mitchell

Field Trips:  Linda Miller

Adopt a  Spot:  Aaron Lucas

Butterflies and Moths: CJ Goin 

Christmas Bird Count: Mark Pendleton

Facebook administrator: Cheryl Fallstead 

Climate Watch Coordinator:  Mark Pendleton

Finance Committee:  Diane Moore, 


Where openings occur, MVAS members interested in helping are encouraged to contact the President or board members.






1979 Charter

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