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2021 MVAS Community Photography

The following photographs were all taken by MVAS photographers in 2021.



Species:  Yellow Breasted Chat

Comments:  Leasburg Dam State Park

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon


Species:  Cassin's Kingbird


Photographer:  CJ Goin

Species:  Curve-billed Thrasher

Comment:  Home

Photographer:  Sara Walker

Species:  White-faced Ibis


Photographer:  Marcia Corl

Species:  Northern Harrier

Comment: At the Bosque

Photographer:  Ann-Marie Holmes

Species:  Peacock

Comment:  Escaped from pen.  In Pecan tree in Mesilla

Photographer:  Patricia Russell

Species: Pileated woodpecker

Comment:  Alberta Canada

Photographer:  Norm and Martine Dumont

Species:  Northern Harrier

Comment: At the Bosque

Photographer: Ann Marie Holmes 

Species:  Burrowing Owl


Phtographer:  Khandan

Species:  Commen Ravens

Comment:  Bosque del Apache

PhotographerJudy Lazarus Yellen

Species:  Black-capped Chickadee

Comment:  At  home, on redbud tree

Photographer:  Gary Lechliter

Species:  Say's  Phoebe


Photographer:  Gary Lechliter

Species:  Western Kingbird

Comment:  Mesilla Valley State Park

Photographer:  Sara Walker

Species:  Gray Flycatcher


Photographer: CJ Goin


Species:  Mountain Bluebird


Photographer:  Sara Walker

Species:  Black-headed Grossbeak

Comment:  at feeder at home

Photographer:  Beth Waters

Species  White-breasted Nuthatch


Photographer: CJ Goin

Species: Western Bluebird


Photographer:  Sara Walker

Species:  Loggerhead  Shrike

Comment:  Dripping Springs, by the roadside

Photographer:  Sara Walker



Phtographer: Nena and Jim Singleton

Species:  Blue Jay

Comment:  Seen on Gardner Road

Photographer:  Patricia Russell



Photographer:  Norm and Martine Dumont

Species:  Red-tailed Hawk


Photographer:  Marcia Corl

Species:  Greater Roadrunner


Photographer:  Marcia Corl



Photographer:  Nena and Jim Singleton

Species:  Lawrence's Goldfinch

Comment:  found in small pecan orchard on Crawford road

Photographer: Patricia Russell

Species:  Ruddy Ground Dove(female)

Comment:  backyard

Photographer:  Patricia Russell



Photographer:Norm and Martine Dumont



Photographer:  Norm and Martine Dumont

Species:  Common Blackhawk

Comment:  juvenile

Photographer:  Khandan

Species:  Great Horned Owl


Photographer:  Khandan

Species:  Vermillian Flycatcher

Comment:  Caballo Dam

Photographer:  Khandan

Species:  Indigo Bunting

Comment: Dripping Springs

Photographer:  Khandan

Species:  Painted Bunting

Comment:  Leasburg Dam StatePark

Photographer:  Khandan

Species:  Greater Kiskadee

Comment:  Leasburg State Park

Photographer:  Khandan

Species:  Green Heron

Comment:  Rio Bossque Park, El Paso

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species:  Yellow Warbler

Comment:  Caballo Lake Park

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species:  Western Tanager

Comment:  Caballo Lake Park

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species: Blue Grossbeak

Comment:  Male joins female grossbeak with...

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species:  Bullock's Oriole

Comment:  Mesilla Dam

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species:  European Robin 

Comment:  Germany, in a park

Phtographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon  

Species:  Cactus Wren

Comment:  Our Backyard

Photographer:  Gary Lechliter

Species:  Little Blue Heron

Comment:  Lizard in mouth (lunch).  Guanabo, Havana, Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species: Western Meadowlark 

Comment:  Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species: Gambel's Quail

Comment:  Las Cruces

Photographer:Gary Lechliter

Species:  Bullock's Oriole

Comment:  Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park

Photographer:  Gary Lechliter 

Species:  Little blue heron

Comment:  Immature.  Guanabo, Havana, Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species: Rufous Hummingbird, adult

Comment:  backyard

Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellon

Species:  Common Raven

Comment:  Our House

Photographer:  Gary Lechliter

Species:  Great Blue Heron and Osprey, overlooking Rio Grande

Comment:  Leasburg Dam State Park

Photographer:  Joel Gilb


Species:  Killdeer


Phtographer:  Elena Espinoza

Species:  Green Heron

Comment:  banks of Rio Almendares Havana, Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Epinosa

Species:  Little Blue Heron, immature

Comment:  Guanabo, Havana, Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  Killdeer Eggs


Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  White-- crowned Pigeon

Comment: Guanabo, Havana, Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinoza  

Species:  Neotropic Cormorant

Comment:  Bosque del Apache NWR

Photographer:  Joel Gilb

Species:  Semipalmated Sandpiper

Comment:  Leasburg Dam SP

Photographer:  Joel Gilb

Species:  Glossy Ibis, immature

Comment:  Guanabo, Havana, Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  Snow Goose

Comment:  Carrizozo Lake

Photographer:  Joel Gilb

Species:  Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Comment: Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  Red-necked Phalarope

Comment:  Elephant Butte Lake

Photographer:  Joel Gilb

Species:  Mountain Bluebird

Comment:  Continental Divide trail near Reserve

Photographer:  Joel Gilb

Species:  Wood Duck, pairs

Comment:  Ascarate Park, El Paso

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  West Indian Woodpecker

Comment:  Cuba

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  White-breasted Nuthatch


Photographer:  Sheryl Fallstead

Species:  Pintail

Comment:  On ice

Photographer:  Elena Espinosa

Species:  Hairy Woodpecker


Photographer: Sheryl Fallstead




Species:  Loggehead Shrike


Photographer:  Judy Lazarus Yellen

Species:  Broad-billed hummingbird,juvenile

Comments: At hummingbird feeder 1/10/21.  2 pics of same bird

Photographer:  Patricia Russel

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